P.E. Teachers Are Champions Of Industrial Volleyball League

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Game On defeated Pilipinos in the finals of the Industrial Volleyball league by DYAS

(PLTM) - Living up to their name and profession, a group a Physical Education Teachers, team Game On dominated the Industrial Volleyball Tournament, walking away with the championship title.

The league, made possible by the Department of Youth and Sports, began on September 12 and saw the participation of 12 teams.

Game On defeated their opponents, team Pilipinas in the finals on November 15th, leaving them with second place. Third place went to team School Them, while team MF Rough Cut got 4th.

Eustace 'Boss' Freeman, P.E. teacher at the Alexandrina Maduro Primary School and member of Game On shared that the team’s secret weapon was “fundamentals.”

“We had nothing to prove, but seeing that we teach sports, there were expectations that we should win.”

He shared, “It was a tough win. The team we played in the finals was very good all around.”

He noted that this win concretes the fact that the teachers are well aware and good at what they teach.

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