Territorial Pride Abounds

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Best Secondary Wear, Aaliyah Beazer and Best Adult Wear, Lola B. Hodge, 2016

(PLTM) - Residents received kudos from Culture Minister, Hon. Myron Walwyn for wearing their territorial wear as part of the recently concluded Virgin Islands Culture and Heritage Week.

The Minister said that the participation is increasing and persons are also finding creative ways to display their wear.

"Many thanks to everyone that participated in the Territory Wear Competition this year. I always enjoy seeing how creative everyone gets in showcasing VI pride," Minister Walwyn said.

The winners for best territorial wear this year were Best Primary - Jay Rhymer, Best Secondary - Aaliyah Beazer and Best Adult - Lola B. Hodge.

"We even had Tola the turtle enter the competition and proved to be stiff competition! National Bank of the Virgin Islands did a good job with their entry and I encourage other corporate entities to showcase their Territorial pride in the future," the Minister stated.

Virgin Islands Culture and Heritage Week has been observed since 1994.

Minister Walwyn has stated that the Territorial Wear, Territorial Song and Territorial Pledge, among other initiatives, are all part of government's aim to build a nation of citizens and residents that understand and have deep reverence for their heritage as Virgin Islanders.

He underscored the importance of having pride and love for the country, especially since the country is going through a social transformation with a cross section of persons with different cultures.

"...As we work on these things, Territorial Pledge, National Song, Territorial Dish and Symbol---that even though our country has come a very long way in a short space of time, it's still a growing country; still a relatively young country," he had stated.

The Minister said, "The country is going through social transformation because we have so many persons from so many different countries living here and it's important that we put in perspective what our national signs and symbols are for our country."

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