All Prisoners Are Not Criminals- Maduro-Caines

Sixth District Representative, Hon. Alvera Maduro-Caines has ensured, for yet another year, the prisoners of Her Majesty’s Prison are not left out of the Christmas cheer, by hosting her annual Christmas luncheon for the fourth time.

The inmates were all treated to a full course meal on the prison compound over the weekend.

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Hon. Alvera Maduro Caines, Sixth District Representative and Kenyatta Boynes who was recently convicted of murder at Balsam Ghut, December 3, 2016

(PLTM) - The government member, commented that despite the fact that they are prisoners, they deserve to be cared for.

“Even though they are prisoners, they are still humans and we need to show a more caring spirit towards them.”

She added, “not everyone behind bars are criminals.”

The inmates also participated in a competitive game of basketball, with the medals and trophies also being sponsored by Hon. Maduro-Caines.

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