We Can't Turn A Blind Eye To Abuse- Zonta

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(PLTM) - Zonta Club of Tortola has joined further efforts to help urge members of the community not turn a blind eye to abuse. Zonta's renewed calls come in wake of the recent attack of a woman in the East End area who was severely chopped by her ex lover.

"It was with great sadness that we learned of the savage attack on November 28 in East End which resulted in serious injuries to the female victim of the violence. Our thoughts and prayers are with the respective families in light of the further developments over the weekend," the non-profit organization stated.

The group believes that everything must be done to educate men and women that violence is not the answer to domestic disputes.

"All must know that there are legal and often other unintended consequences for this sort of attack which has become all too common."

"As a community, we must hold each other accountable and insist that conflicts are handled in a non-violent way. We cannot turn a blind eye to abuse or we are complicit."

Zonta noted that victims should feel secure that law enforcement and the wider public support them.

"We as Zontians stand in support of women who have been victimized or feel the fear of attacks of this nature."

Meanwhile, as a gesture of support and in recognition of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign against gender-based violence, The Zonta Club of Tortola pledged US$2,000 to Family Support Network, specifically for the purpose of counselling for victims of domestic violence.

The group also intends to match further contributions from the community up to US$3,000.

"We encourage the public to join in this effort so that victims can get the psychological guidance to work through the trauma of such attacks," Zonta stated.

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