Man Claims He Found Drugs

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(PLTM) - A young BVIslander, Akeem Headley is currently facing a charge of possession of a controlled drug that he allegedly found on January 18.

The 20 year-old accused pleaded not guilty to the offence when he appeared before Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards at the Magistrate’s Court earlier today, March 24.

In an explanation to the court, Headley stated that after playing rounds of basketball in Road Town, he found a bag on his way home. The bag was said to contain 35 dime bags, containing 24.6 grams of cannabis in total, all at a street value of $246.

Headley told the court that almost immediately after finding the bag, he was approached and searched by police officers.

According to the details of the matter, as outlined by the crown, police officers on patrol in the vicinity of Scatliffe Alley saw the accused run after spotting them.

After apprehending him, Headley was questioned, but offered no response.

Following a search, the drugs were found in his bag. He allegedly told officers, “Why is me you all search first.”

He was offered bail in the sum of $30,000 and was also ordered to attend drug counselling.

He will make another appearance in June 23.

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