Poker Run Donates $16K To Charitable Trust

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(PLTM) - As part of their annual contribution, organizers of the Leverick Bay Poker Run made their biggest contribution yet, to the Virgin Gorda Charitable Trust.

Earlier today, June 22, Nick and Maria Willis, owners of the Leverick Bay Marina, and organizers of the event, in an official handing over ceremony, presented Mr. Verne Wheatley, Co-Chairman of the trust, with a check for $16,000.

The funds were noted to be contributions towards the completion of the Olympic standard swimming pool in Virgin Gorda.

Speaking to BVI Platinum News, Wheatley stated that the Trust has been raising funds for quite some time, in efforts of constructing and completing the pool.

He shared that as a result of the continuous contributions from the Poker Run, in addition to money generated from other donors and fundraisers, the Trust has accumulated enough funds to complete about 80 percent the project.

“I would like to thank Poker Run for their contribution and having faith in us, that we can complete the swimming pool, and the efforts they are putting into it to help us raise the funds. Poker Run is our main and biggest fundraiser event.”

He said, “We’ve been doing work gradually. We had to do the funding ourselves, so we are building it through donations.”

As it relatea to the facility, he shared that the building which will house changing rooms, restrooms and mechanical rooms is almost complete, adding that the actual completion of the swimming pool is the final step of the project.

“The final phase is the pool itself. That will be the last thing we do. The thing with that is as you complete that, you have to full it with water right away.”

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