After Some Hardships--8 Registered As British Citizens

Eight persons accepted their certificates as they became British Citizens, after having been previously naturalised as British Overseas Territories Citizens, during a ceremony held at Government House on Thursday, July 20.

Governor John Duncan, during his remarks, said that they may have experienced a long chain of efforts, and perhaps encountered some hardships and difficulties to get here.

He noted that it is important that they each embrace their new nationality and the opportunities that it offers.

The new citizens also recited the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen and the Pledge of Loyalty to the United Kingdom (UK).

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Melissa Edwards/BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - The recipients are Romarno Peters, Damian Watson, Cendra Francis DaSilva, Dave Johnson Jr., Laura Judith Walwyn, Kenyatha Augustine, Ramona Peters and Ian Phipps.

British Citizens have the right to live and work in the United Kingdom or any other European Union country. They may also travel to the United States under the visa-waiver programme for UK Citizens.

British citizenship was extended to all British Overseas Territories (BOT) citizens as a result of the British Overseas Territories Act of 2002. Persons naturalised as BOT Citizens following the enactment of the Act, on May 21, 2002, do not automatically become British Citizens, but are eligible to register as British Citizens.

The extension of British citizenship to British Overseas Territories Citizens was part of the UK Government’s 1999 White Paper entitled Partnership for Progress and Prosperity, which outlined the UK’s policy in respect of the Overseas Territories.

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