Islanders Win Terry Evans Cup

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Islanders Football Club wins 2017 Terry Evans Cup

(PLTM) - The Islanders Football Club is the winner of this year’s 2017 Terry Evans Cup, after they defeated the Sugar Boys, 3-1, yesterday, July 23, at the A. O. Shirley Grounds.

At the beginning of the game, Islanders was the first one the score board, with a goal from Renalie Caines. Other winning goals for the team came from Kevin Fahie and McTair James.

Sugar Boys' lone goal came from a penalty shot from Terry Nanton.

Captain of the Islanders, Andy Davis said, “The Sugar Boys played a good game, but we stuck to our game plans and held our composure and it paid off”.

He added, “Caines has never been shy about taking free kicks and luckily for us, he scored and we were able to dominate from there. We are a champion team and that is what our fans expect us to do.”

Derol Redhead of the Sugar Boys said the game was a tough one, noting that some key players of the team were unavailable to play the game.

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