Let Us Know You Are Safe! Relatives Frantically Trying To Get Info.

Hundreds are seeking information on their friends and families, who sat through Hurricane Irma's destruction path in the British Virgin Islands, but the lack of essential services like telephone and electricity have severely hampered information flow out of the Territory.

It is expected that officials will provide an update to residents as soon as an initial assessment has been done by emergency officials.

In the absence of these essential services, residents are finding pockets of WiFi service to post aftermath videos, photos and to let relatives and friends know that they are safe.

Social media such as Facebook are proving particularly useful for instant communication.

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(PLTM) - Some persons have requested BVI Platinum News to confirm the well-being of relatives and friends.

Some have also reported that there are fatalities, but until local authorities can confirm this, BVI Platinum News cannot independently confirm these reports.

We encourage residents to post information about persons they have seen or can otherwise confirm their safety via our comment section or our Facebook page for the benefit of family and friends who are eagerly awaiting some word of assurance.

BVI Platinum News Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/bviplatinum

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