Increased Complaints Over Backyard Burning

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(PLTM) - Chief Environmental Health Officer, Mr. Lionel Michael is appealing to residents to refrain from backyard burning, because of the environmental and personal health impact on the community.

According to the Health Ministry, Mr. Michael said his department continues to receive numerous complaints, and is calling on persons to refrain from burning garbage as it affects young children, the elderly, asthmatics and persons with compromised immune systems.

“Backyard burning is also harmful to the environment and a potential fire hazard,” he said.

The Chief said persons with yard waste should make piles with the branches, trees and leaves, and allow them to decompose.

“If persons cannot manage their yard or any other type of waste that they may have on their property, they should contact the Department of Waste Management for assistance with removal,” he said.

Mr. Michael further stated that proper disposal of waste is a matter of health importance.

“It helps to improve aesthetics and reduces pests’ infestation, however we are asking the community to avoid burning and to dispose of their waste in a safe public health manner,” the Chief Environmental Health Officer added.

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