DDM, NEOC To Get New Building By 2020

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(PLTM) - The National Emergency Operating Centre (NEOC) will have a newly constructed building at MacNamara by 2020, which would also house the Department of Disaster Management (DDM).

To this end, residents living in MacNamara and the surrounding areas are asked to join the Ministry of Finance, Project Support Service Unit and DDM for a Public Consultation Meeting to discuss project.

The meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Althea Scatliffe Primary School, Station Ave, Road Town on Tuesday, 18th September 2018 at 6pm.

According to DDM, the facility is being designed and constructed to meet international standards that promote SMART functionality to maximise its potential for reducing operational expenditures, with water and energy management improvements, and ensure energy auto-sufficiency to support continuity of operations and delivery of critical services in the event of a major disaster, while also withstanding the impacts of hazards that can affect the Territory.

"The duration of the consultancy is estimated to be 708 days, including designs and supervision of the construction works. It is expected that the new NEOC will be completed by early 2020 or sooner," DDM stated.

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