SSB Retains $197K For COVID-19 Payouts Until June 30

The Social Security Board (SSB) will be disbursing more funds to qualified individuals meeting the requirements for government assistance.

This was decided by the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands on February 3 2021, a post Cabinet meeting report released recently indicated.

It said: “the $197,826.97 would remain with the SSB for the payment of any further qualified claims until June 30, 2021.”

The Cabinet meeting was chaired by Governor John J. Rankin, CMG and was held at the Financial Services Commission’s Conference Room in Pasea Estate, with all members being present.

More Decisions

In the meantime, there were other decisions made relating to government assistance.

One of the decisions was the approval of the Unemployment/Underemployment Benefit Programme Policy via the COVID-19 Phase II Economic Response Stimulus Package in the amount of $10 Million via the $40 million grant from the Social Security Board.

The document informed that a total of $4,108,256.56 would be “remitted to Central Government, subject to a Resolution by the Social Security Board of Directors.”

It was also agreed by Cabinet that the aforementioned sum of 4,108,256.56 would be distributed to the following programme as stipulated under the 2021 Budget: the Coronavirus Prevention Expenses 26524161 - Housing Assistance, Subhead 52866202.

It was further decided that the said programme would be audited by the Internal Audit Department and that the report be forwarded to the Cabinet by the Minister of Finance within one month after receipt.

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